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July 16, 2014

Phoenix Towers soar 1 km high in Wuhan

At 1km high, design scheme for Phoenix Towers has been completed by Chetwoods Architects. The twin-tower development will be the headquarters for Hua Yan Group in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
     Better known as The City of a Thousand Lakes in China, Wuhan will build the world's tallest pair of towers. The Phoenix Towers will be a landmark within an ambitious environmental master plan for Wuhan, the provincial capital of Hubei Province in central China. The project is one of four master plans Chetwoods are developing with Hua Yan in the region.
     The Phoenix Towers incorporate design and technological features developed in the course of Chetwoods' self-funded research projects and competition winning schemes such as an inhabited London Bridge for The Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects and The Royal Institute of British Architects.  Their innovative technological features and symbiotic relationship will work to recycle and clean water and air to actively contribute to a reduction in local pollution.
     The towers cover seven hectares of a 47 hectare site, situated on an island in a lake, which is at the end of a 3 km avenue within a dense city layout. The proposed plan is pending approval from the local government.