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September 3, 2013

Shenzhen River Stage IV project agreement signed


The Development Bureau and the Shenzhen government have signed a RMB177.5 million agreement for the first contract under the Regulation of Shenzhen River Stage IV project. Deputy Secretary for Development (Works) Enoch Lam and Shenzhen Deputy Secretary General Xu Chongguang signed the agreement in Shenzhen on August 30.
     Shenzhen River Regulation Office Director Lan Jianhong, China Road & Bridge Corporation Deputy General Manager Wang Yanhua, and the Hong Kong contractor¡¯s representative also signed the works contract.
     The project will improve the upstream portion of the Shenzhen River by raising flood protection levels of the proposed Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point and nearby areas. It comprises the regulation of 2 km of the Shenzhen River between Ping Yuen River and Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai, and the implementation of associated drainage and landscaping works.
     Upon completion of the whole project by the end of 2017, the drainage capacity of the Shenzhen River between Ping Yuen River and Pak Fu Shan will be strengthened to be able to withstand rainstorms with a return period of one in 50 years.