Page 9 - Macau HandBook
P. 9

澳門建造手冊 Macau Building & construction Handbook


TLS (Macau) Engineering 泰•利•斯 (澳門)
Company Limited 工程有限公司

Avenida de Venceslau de Morais, 澳門慕拉士大馬路149號
No 149, Ind. Kek Seng, 激成工業大廈1期13樓G
Bl 1, 13 G, Macau 電話 (853) 2830 0166
Tel (853) 2830 0166 傳真 (853) 2821 5482
Fax (853) 2821 5482 [email protected]
[email protected]

China Road and Bridge Corporation (中國路橋工程有限責任公司)
Tel: (853) 28755656 Fax: (853) 28755757 Email: [email protected]

Cia De Decoracao San Kei Ip Lda (新基業工程有限公司)
Alameda Dr Carlos DAssumpcao No 181 E 187, 12 Andar, K12 Edif Jardim, Macau
Tel: (853) 28703636 Fax: (853) 28702527

Ecotech Environmental Engineering and Technologies Co Ltd (生科還境工程技術有限公司)
Av da Praia Grande 429, Centro Comercial Praia Grande, 17 andar A, Macau
Tel: (853) 28976572 Fax: (853) 28331481 Email: [email protected]
Contact: Michael Wong Product: Environmental Industry

Hobbs Construction Company Ltd (恒邦建築有限公司)
Alameda Dr Carlos DAssumpcao, no 335, Centro Hotline, 21 andar, Macau
Tel: (853) 28787799 Fax: (853) 28717799 Email: [email protected] Website:

J&T Construction Co Ltd (中德工程有限公司)
Alameda Dr Carlos dAssumpcao, 335 Centro Hotline, 20/F, Unit K-M, Macau
Tel: (853) 28553559 Fax: (853) 28528067 Email: [email protected]

Nikkan (Macau) Engineering Co Ltd (力勤(澳門)工程有限公司)
Tel: (853) 28230794 Fax: (853) 28230307
Email: [email protected] Website:

Tak Fat Kin Ip Engineering Limited (德發建業工程有限公司)

13A, R/C Tra. Do Com. Mata e Oliveira, Macau
Tel: (853) 28573349, 28710037 Fax: (853) 28314149 Email: [email protected]

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