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July 1, 2024

Hybrid turf for Kai Tak Youth Sports Ground
The turf laying project at the Kai Tak Youth Sports Ground is the first public sports ground in Hong Kong to adopt “Lay and Play” technology, which is widely used internationally, meeting various international standards such as those set by the World Rugby and FIFA. The turf was first planted in Zhuhai and transported to the Youth Sports Ground on the same day of harvesting.
     Kai Tak Sports Park aims to build high-quality venues capable of hosting local and international sports events while providing a great experience for athletes and users.
     To construct a high-quality Youth Sports Ground, a range of technical factors were considered in the design, build, and selection of grass varieties process, ensuring the performance, durability, and safety of the playing surface. As a result, a hybrid turf system was chosen for the field.

The hybrid turf of the Kai Tak Youth Sports Ground is composed of approximately 95% Bermuda grass, with less than 5% being artificial grass fibres. As such, it remains a natural grass surface, maintaining the feel of a real grass pitch. The hybrid turf can enhance the durability and wear resistance of the field under different weather conditions, allowing for an extended playing season. During the design phase, the Kai Tak Youth Sports Ground has already installed an advanced underground rainwater collection system around the field, optimising the maintenance and irrigation of the lawn. The system collects rainwater from the building’s roof surface and the turf’s drainage system, storing it in three underground water tanks beneath the playing surface.
     After the completion of the turf system installation at the Kai Tak Youth Sports Ground, other facilities that meet international standards, such as the athletics track, pitch lights, and related equipment, will be installed and tested gradually. The entire project has entered its final construction phase, and it is anticipated that the main facilities of the Kai Tak Sports Park will be completed by the end of 2024, followed by various testing activities. Once the trial operations and testing are deemed satisfactory, the Kai Tak Sports Park is expected to be operational in the first half of 2025.



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