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Company Name FAS Engineering Ltd
Address Unit 607-8, 6/F, Blk B, Hoi Luen Ind'l Centre, 55 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Phone (852) 21074888
Fax (852) 21074555
E-mail [email protected]

About us
FAS Engineering Limited (FAS) is a Hong Kong based company estallished in 2001. FAS specializes in design, supply & installation engineering works which offers natural ventilation, smoke control and solar control solutions to clients in the building and construction industry. Being the sole distributor for company "Colt International" products which has over 75 years experiences in environmental comforting products for both commercial and industrial buildings, we endeavour to succeed to Colt's business goal and technical strength.
     FAS Engineering Limited is staffed and run by the original personnel who has worked with Colt products for many years (since 1990). FAS is formed to give sharp and undivided focus to the Colt Equipment and operation. It is our commitment and desire to raise the standards and Quality of Service to Customers in Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong Province - PRC.
     We have retained the services of the best personnel who were involved with the Products from design stage through the successful completion of projects.

Job reference City U - Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre
CX Cargo Terminal

Company website www.fas-hk.com